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The Introduction of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City

The master plan for the Hainan Free Trade Port is a major national strategy personally planned, deployed, and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, bringing an unprecedented opportunity to Sanya. 


Sanya is a world-famous coastal tourist city with tropical rainforests and stunning seaside views. According to the master plan, Sanya will make efforts to develop its three major industrial clusters and invigorate its northern region. Haitang Bay and Yalong Bay, part of the city’s eastern cluster, will be built into international tourism consumption centers; the central cluster in Sanya Bay will focus on headquarters economy and the modern service industry, while Yazhou Bay in the western cluster will develop high-tech industries. At the same time, Sanya will further urbanize the north in order to boost the Greater Sanya Tourism Economic Circle. 

 Since the release of the Hainan Free Trade Port master plan, Sanya has continued to improve its business environment, making use of the opportunity to build a smart city and promote economic transformation and development. While prioritizing its major urban development tasks, Sanya will promote the integrated development of the Greater Sanya Tourism Economic Circle in hopes of becoming a new model in the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. 

Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City in western Sanya, with a planned area of 69.3 square kilometers, mostly host industries related seed breeding, deep-sea technology, and science and education. 

Nanfan Breeding Sci-Tech Town, with a planned area of about 4.02 square kilometers, boasts a national scientific research and breeding base for tropical agriculture (about 26.8 mu in size) and vies to become the "Silicon Valley" of the Chinese seed industry, integrates scientific research, production, transaction, scientific and technological exchange and international cooperation. 

The Innovative Academy of Seed Design of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National Seed Group and several other scientific research institutes and enterprises have set up operations here. Projects such as the Nanfan Biological Laboratory have been launched.  World leading seed companies such as Syngenta Group have also been attracted to the area. 

To become the transfer base for global animal and plant germplasm resources, Moon Island has pushed forward infrastructure construction, specifically in regard to customs inspection and quarantine facilities. The new quarantine and inspection area being planned for Sanya’s airport will become an efficient, convenient and risk-control channel for germplasm resource transfer. 

Deep-Sea Sci-Tech Town is striving for scientific and technological breakthroughs in the fields of deep-sea diving, exploration and exploitation, so as to enhance Chinese innovation capacity in deep-sea equipment technology. China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences and several other enterprises and scientific research institutes have already set up operation in the area. Work on a number of major national scientific and technological projects such as the Deep Sea Space Station is about to start. On November 10, 2020, the deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe (Striver) completed its sea trial successfully after diving to a depth of 10,909 meters, setting a new national record. 

After its completion, the deep-water Nanshan Port will be able to accommodate nearly 20 scientific research ships, test ships, and logistic support vessels at the same time. It will become a home port for Chinas deep-sea scientific research. 

Given its strength in seed breeding and deep-sea technologies, a group of elite Chinese universities such as Shanghai Jiaotong University and Zhejiang University have chosen to set up operations in the area. Their arrival will encourage other well-known universities and research institutes both from home and abroad to set up branches. They could share resources to build an industrial ecosystem that promotes better collaboration between enterprises, universities and research institutes. Projects operating right now include the Nanfan Public Experimental Platform and the Deep-sea Science and Technology Public Innovation Platform. 

Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City is making efforts to build a "low-carbon city", improving its facilities to provide better education, medical care, commercial services, hotels and apartments while speeding up infrastructure construction for a smart city. 

We will stay true to the original aspiration and the founding mission. 

Sanya will keep in mind general secretary Xi's words, and strive to build itself into a green, smart, modern city with a pleasantenvironment, strong urban industryintegration, and robust scientific and technological innovation. Sanya will make efforts to contribute to the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up in Hainan as well as the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics! 


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The Administrative Bureau of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science&Technology City 

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